Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
"Expanding, elevating, and empowering, we are women called to discipleship."

Faith in Action News
Sis. Emily Anderson, Third Vice President, WCBWMS • Sis. Trina Pugh, Principal Editor, Faith In Action Newsletter

Unity in the Community: Campbell AME
Mission work is something every believer can and should be engaged in. Actually, Christ has mandated that we join together to help those less fortunate than we are, “To meet their need.” Those needs include the spiritual as well as the natural.

Answering the Call During COVID-19
Answering the Call During COVID-19 by Turner Memorial. During this pandemic and due to the Stay-at-Home mandates, the members of the Johanna Morris Women’s Missionary Society of Turner Memorial AMEC continues to answer the call..

Taking It to the Streets: Mt. Pisgah and Mt. Moriah
On Saturday, December 21, 2019, Mt. Moriah, Mt. Pisgah, Payne Memorial and Union Bethel-Randallstown answered Jesus’ call to “Feed his sheep” (John 21:17, KJV) by hosting the annual “Taking It To The Streets” Outreach Project...

Union Bethel Randallstown Missionaries
The missionaries and associates of the Lillian M. Dorsey Women's Missionary Society of Union Bethel AME Church in Randallstown, MD gathered together on Saturday, December 14th to compile and sort Christmas gifts for families in need.

School Project Fundraising Breakfast at St. James AME
For the second year in a row, the Young Adult Missionaries (YAMs) from the Edna B. Dykes Missionary Society of St. James AME Church led the fundraising efforts for our School Lunch Project. Our School Lunch Project raises funds for students in Frederick, MD.

Hemingway Temple Honors Life Achievements
On Sunday, September 22, 2019, Hemingway Temple’s Edna V. Davis Missionary Society honored life achievements of five awesome missionaries. Missionaries honored were Sister Hattie Parker, Sister Imogene (Emma) Gales, Sister Jean Cox and Sister Esther Thompson.