Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
"Expanding, elevating, and empowering, we are women called to discipleship."

Selerya Moore
Second Episcopal District President

Sister Selerya is a fourth-generation member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, who grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the Eight Episcopal District. She is currently a member of Turner Memorial A.M.E. Church, Hyattsville, Maryland. Sister Selerya serves as the Pro Tem of the Steward Board, Class Leader, Director of Lay Activities, and the coordinator and an instructor for the New Members’/Disciples’ classes.
Currently she is the President of the Second Episcopal District Women’s Missionary Society, a Life Member of the Connectional Women’s Missionary Society, and former Second Episcopal District WMS 2nd Vice President, YPD Director; and the Washington Conference Branch (WCB) WMS Celeste W. Duckette Area Chair, YPD Director of the WCB WMS; Celeste W. Duckette Area Chair, a WCB Handy-Simmons Scholarship Chair and PME Director; and Turner Memorial President, 1st Vice President, and YPD Director.
Sister Moore is a former Chair of the Second Episcopal District Lay Organization’s (SEDLO) Legislation Committee, and Constitution and Bylaws and Nominating Committee Chair of the Washington Conference Lay Organization. She has been a delegate to the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and served as a member of the Revisions, Compilations, and Correcting and Editing Committees.
Sister Selerya has both the Bachelor and master’s degrees in child development and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Adult Education. For over 40 years she has worked as an administrator, manager, and educator in state and local government programs in Texas, Maryland and the District of Columbia serving individuals ages birth to 40 years and their families. Currently Selerya is an adjunct professor at Trinity Washington University.
Selerya is very active in her community where she currently serves as a member of the District of Columbia Board of Social Work, the Social Action Chair of the Washington DC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and the D.C. Democratic Women’s Club-Corresponding Secretary; and former member of the District of Columbia State Democratic Party, and the former Parliamentarian for the Ward 4 Democrats.
Selerya loves reading, writing poetry, and traveling specifically to beach resorts.Most of all Sister Selerya loves the Lord and knows the power of prayer. Her favorite hymn is Great Is Thou Faithfulness; and one of her favorite scriptures summarizes the theme for her life:
Psalm 18:2, “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliver; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my bucker, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” KJV