Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
"Expanding, elevating, and empowering, we are women called to discipleship."

Donna Marie Lacy, 1st Vice President
Donna Marie Lacy is a native Washingtonian and is a member of First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Manassas (“FAME”). She is a current member of the Fredericka L. Hildebrand Missionary Society at FAME. Donna has served the society as President, 1st Vice President, and 2nd Vice President. She has Chaired & Co-Chaired Annual Missionary Days, WMS Prayer Breakfast, FAME’s Annual Women’s Retreats 1998-2012 in which she coordinated retreat speakers, planed program & activities, logistics with hotels & meals. Donna has also served FAME in numerous other positions within the Lay Organization, Class Leaders, Women’s Choir and currently serves as the President of the Pastor Aide Society. Donna has previously served the Catherine C. Hemmingway Area as Magazine Chairperson, Parliamentarian, and Co-Chair of two Fund Raisers. As a member of the WCB WMS she was a member of the committee on Membership and Recruitment in which she developed the skill base form. She also served as both the Nominating & Registration Chairperson. For the 2nd Episcopal District, she served as a member of the Social Action Commission and Quadrennial Registration Co-Chairperson. On the Connectional Level she served as the Registration and Housing Chairperson for six Executive Board meetings and the two WMS Quadrennials. She also served as the Executive Aide to the 9th Connectional President WMS President, Dr. Shirley Cason Reed. Donna was the recipient of the WMS Connectional Presidential Outstanding Service Award in 2018.
Donna is currently employed as a District of Columbia and Virginia Underwriter for Fidelity National Family Group of Companies. She has over 43 years of experience in the Title Insurance business being the first African American told hold the position in the USA. She provides underwriting support by reviewing complex title issues and defects and provides guidance on curing defects in title and authorization to the company’s agents and employees to write title insurance policies up to $20,000,000.00. Donna is also the Company Coordinator for its District of Columbia continuing Education Credit Seminars for the company. She is responsible for developing its workshops topics, obtaining speakers, registration and advertising. She has also been a presenter at several seminars.
Donna has traveled to 38 states with a goal of travelling to all 50, she also enjoys event plainning, crafting, sports, Motown and Gospel music. Most of all Donna loves her family. Donna considers it a blessing to have worked all of her life in the field of missions starting as a young child under her late mother’s love and guidance. Her favorite scripture is, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5