Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
"Expanding, elevating, and empowering, we are women called to discipleship."

Essie Thompson, Catherine C. Hemingway Area Chair
Sis. Essie has been a member of Ebenezer AMEC in Fort Washington, MD since 1990. She is a member and Immediate Past President of the Alice Marie Chapman Missionary Society. She also serves as Chaplain of the Ola T. Clay Stewardess Board, Elder for the Womanhood Rites of passage, member of the Ministry of Helps, member of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry, member of the Scholarship Committee, member of the Go Get Our Daughters Ministry (GOD) that focuses on empowering young women between the ages of 8 and 18, and was a former member of the Ebenezer Music Department.
On the Local Level she has served as Historiographer-Statistician, Assistant to Worship Director, Second Vice President, and Outreach Coordinator for numerous programs and events. She also served at Mt. Moriah AMEC in Annapolis, MD as Recording Secretary, PME Director, First Vice President, President, and Assistant to the YPD Director. At the Area level she served as Prayer Team Chairperson, Parliamentarian, 3rd Vice Chair for Membership & Recruitment Commission, and Co-Chair for Special Events, and Area Programs. On the Conference and District levels she has participated in workshop and drama presentations, gave the Occasion Address at the 2004 WCB-WMS Annual Luncheon, served as a hostess for events on all levels (Connectional, District, Conference, Area and Local), served as the WCB WMS Host President for the 59th Session of the WCB WMS Convention, served as the Coordinator for Conference Hospitality Support for the Washington Annual Conference, was a Co-Reporter for the Washington Conference Newsletter, “Faith in Action." She served as the SED Delegate for the 18th WMS Quadrennial Convention, and served as the SED Committee Representative for the Connectional WMS Missionary on the Move (MOM) Outreaches. She currently serves as the Catherine C. Hemingway Area Chair and has previously served as Second Vice President and First Vice President of the WCB WMS. She has been blessed to serve as a member of the Washington Conference Branch Women’s Missionary Society for the past 33 years. She has served untiringly in the field of missions and in many other roles as God directed.
Sis. Essie obtained an Associate of Arts Degree in Business Administration from American InterContinental University. She is married to George E. Thompson, Sr., and has six children, eleven grandchildren, and one great grandchild.