Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church
"Expanding, elevating, and empowering, we are women called to discipleship."

Renee Brooks, Celeste Duckette Area Chair
Renee Brooks has been a missionary at Reid Temple for over 14 years. She has held several positions at the local, area and conference levels. She is currently serving as the Chair of the Celeste Duckette Area. Also, she has served as the Director of the Employment Assistance Ministry for over six years and just recently accepted the position for a second term. Because of her love for connecting people in ministry, she also led the Reid Temple Helps Council for more than three years. She just recently ended her eight-year tenure as President of the Queen Jefferson Women’s Missionary Society. She is now serving as First Vice President with responsibility for all outreach programming.
She is an experienced trainer with over 30 years of experience. She has a passion for teaching and is currently a teacher in the Prince Georges County Public School System. She earned her Associate Degree in Accounting, Associate Degree in Business Management and a Certificate in Microcomputer Applications from Prince Georges Community College. She also earned a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting and has completed 39 Graduate credits in Human Resource Development from Bowie State University. She is a grandmother of nine children and mother of four.